Name of scheme

Residential Unoccupied

Brief Outline

This product is designed to provide flexible underwriting for all domestic unoccupied properties in Ireland, whether they are undergoing renovation, up for sale or awaiting probate.

We will also provide flexible periods of cover; 90 days, 180 days, 270 days or an annual policy. Choosing a short period policy does not restrict the client, the policy can be extended beyond the original term if required.

Product Summary



Policy wording

Unoccupied IPID



Contact Details

T: 01 8022375

F: 01 8672123

Broker Team

James Burke
01 8022307

Alison Swaine
01 8022346

Helen Flanagan
01 8022363

Mark Mulligan
01 8022302

Edel Kennedy
01 8022320

Gary McDonnell
01 8022393

Adam Boyne
01 8022371

01 8022375