Name of scheme

Unoccupied Home

Brief Outline

This product is designed to provide cover for all domestic unoccupied properties in Ireland, whether they are up for sale or awaiting probate.

Risks that fall into the Quote & Buy criteria can be issued online without referral to the underwriting team.

Product Summary

Section 1 – Buildings
Section 2 – Contents
Section 3 – Accidents to Domestic Employees – €3,000,000
Section 4 – Legal Liability to the Public – €3,000,000
Minimum Building Sum Insured €120,000 & Max €500,000
Minimum Contents Sum Insured Nil & Max €50,000

The following perils are covered:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Explosion
  • Earthquake
  • Damage caused by aircraft or items dropped from them
  • Damage caused by other flying devices or items dropped from them

Additional Cover



Accidental Damage to Fixtures & Fittings Included
Accidental Damage to Services Included
Professional Fees & Expenses Included
Sale of the Property Included
Replacement Locks Up to €2,500
Unauthorised Use of Electricity, Gas or Water Up to €2,500
Garden, Plants & Shrubs Up to €1,000/€250 per plant, tree or shrub
Fire Brigade Charges Up to €2,000
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Replacement Locks Up to €2,500



Insurance Product Information Document

Policy wording



Contact Details

T: 01 8022375

F: 01 8672123

Broker Team

James Burke
01 8022307

Alison Swaine
01 8022346

Helen Flanagan
01 8022363

Mark Mulligan
01 8022302

Edel Kennedy
01 8022320

Gary McDonnell
01 8022393

Adam Boyne
01 8022371

01 8022375