Name of scheme Dolmen Home Owners
Brief Outline Sums insured Owner Occupied Residential Risks
Key Benefits Option of Accidental Damage on both Buildings and Contests
Commission 15%
Cover arranged Via Relay Home
Insurer Axa Insurance dac
Policy Wording Click to Download Policy Wording
Policy IPID Click to Download Policy IPID

Home Owners Product Benefits

Buildings benefits:

  • Damage to buildings (maximum sum insured of €1,250,000)
  • Domestic outbuildings including garages and greenhouses
  • Temporary accommodation costs (up to 20% of the sum insured)
  • Trace and Access up to €750
  • Legal liability to member of the Public (up to €3 million) and Domestic Employees (Up to €3 million)
  • Accidental damage to glass
  • Fire Brigade Charges (up to €1,000)

Contents benefits:

  • Damage to or theft of belongings in the home (maximum sum insured of €350,000)
  • Replacement Locks €650
  • Contents in the open €650
  • Fire Brigade charges €1,000
  • Loss of oil €750
  • Loss of money €650
  • Visitors contents €1,250
  • Up to 20% of Contents sums insured under Section 2 for Contents in a furniture store
  • Valuables such as jewellery, TV, video, audio and computer equipment, works of art and musical instruments within the home.

Optional extras:

  • All risks cover
  • Accidental damage to buildings and contents

Contact Details

T: 01 8022375

F: 01 8672123

Broker Team

James Burke
01 8022307

Alison Swaine
01 8022346

Helen Flanagan
01 8022363

Mark Mulligan
01 8022302

Edel Kennedy
01 8022320

Gary McDonnell
01 8022393

Adam Boyne
01 8022371

01 8022375